The Reckoning Darkest Powers #3 by Kelley Armstrong

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Chloe Saunders is fifteen and would love to be normal. Unfortunately, Chloe happens to be a genetically engineered necromancer who can raise the dead without even trying. She and her equally gifted (or should that be 'cursed'?) friends are now running for their lives from the evil corporation that created them.


As if that's not enough, Chloe is struggling with her feelings for Simon, a sweet-tempered sorcerer, and his brother Derek, a not-so-sweet-tempered werewolf. She has a horrible feeling she's leaning towards the werewolf. Definitely not normal.



Genres: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural, Magic, Werewolves, Ghosts, Fiction


Harper Teen, published in 2010

First Edition 

Page Count: 391

More Books in the Darkest Powers Series