Paladin of Souls by Lois McMaster Bujold

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Condition: New

Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Hugo Awards, Romance, High Fantasy, Science Fiction,  Epic Fantasy, Magic

Paladin of Souls by Lois McMaster Bujold 

In a land threatened by treacherous war and beset by demons, royal dowager Ista, released from the curse of madness and manipulated by an untrustworthy god, is plunged into a desperate struggle to preserve the endangered souls of a realm. 

Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Hugo Awards, Romance, High Fantasy, Science Fiction,  Epic Fantasy, Magic


Edition: hardback 

Published by: EOS / HarperCollins 

Published In: 2003

Originally Cost:17.99

ISBN: 0380979020

Page Count: 370
Notes: Hugo Award Winner